How to hack someone or something

How to hack someone or something

Updated: 08/02/2019 by Computer Hope
Computer hacker
This question is asked of us many times, but unfortunately, we do not condone hacking for illegal purposes, and will not provide training or help on how to hack. While some forms of hacking are not illegal, like ethical hacking, many people want to hack for reasons that are illegal, known as black hat hacking. Because ethical hacking and illegal hacking involve mostly the same coding, cracking, and networking expertise, Computer Hope cannot help you with learning how to hack.
Hacking a computer to view or steal protected information does not resolve anything and only causes further issues, such as being fined or sent to prison. Instead of doing anything illegal, learn an alternative operating system (e.g., Linux), set up computer networks, read security news, and learn a programming language. If you've done this and still want to hack, try hacking your personal network. That way, you don't have to worry about getting in trouble. Hacking your network can help you learn how to hack and teaches you how to defend from hackers, which is a valuable skill needed by businesses. Also, we recommend taking a training course on ethical hacking that can assist you in getting a computer security-related job.
Doing any of the above recommendations gives you a much better understanding of computers and security than using someone else's script to break into a computer ever would.
Below are additional questions and answers that relate to hacking.

If I hack a large company, wouldn't I become famous?

Although hackers like Kevin Mitnick and John Draper (aka Cap'n Crunch) have gained notoriety from hacking in the past, most hackers are never famous. If a hacker does become famous or mentioned in the press, it's likely because they're in court, going to prison, or because they're running from the law. If you are a malicious hacker, it is more likely you would want to remain anonymous than become famous.

I lost my password and need to hack my e-mail, router, or computer

Apart from the solutions listed on Computer Hope for retrieving or bypassing BIOS passwords, operating system passwords, and some application passwords, we do not help anyone break passwords.
Online e-mail services, such as Microsoft Hotmail, Gmail, and Yahoo, have password recovery systems already setup. Often, passwords can be reset or sent to you by answering a secret question or providing the e-mail address used to register the service. If you cannot recover your password using the services provided by the company, contact the company with additional suggestions, or consider abandoning the e-mail address.
  • Lost or forgotten Windows password.
  • What is a safe way to remember my passwords?
  • Help and information on computer passwords.
  • Forgot router username and password how to reset a router.
  • Help and information on computer passwords.
  • Computer Hope forums password authentication reminder.

I need to hack someone because they hacked or scammed me

If someone is causing you grief or causing you or your computer intentional harm, you should report the abuse to the company handling the person's Internet connection or e-mail service. Attempting to hack the person or cause them grief is likely only going to escalate your problems.

I need to hack my spouse's computer to see if they are cheating

Relationships are built on trust and communication. If you believe your spouse or partner is cheating on you, confront him or her regarding the issue. Attempting to hack or spy on your partner is only going to lose their trust and cause a broken relationship, especially if they were not cheating.
Finally, even though you may be spying or hacking a spouse, it is still considered illegal, and if caught by your spouse or someone else, you could be convicted of a crime.

I want to learn to hack so I can know more about the computer

You do not need to learn to be a hacker to learn more about the computer. If you want to learn more about computers, networks, and security, there are plenty of resources online and in books that can teach you everything you would ever want to know.
  • How can I learn more about computers?

I need to hack a computer to gain access to something I cannot access

If you are blocked from particular sites or services on the Internet, it is probably for a good reason. Attempting to break or bypass those protective measures is only going to cause you additional trouble when caught. If you believe you are blocked or banned for the wrong reasons, contact the company or administrator in charge and plead your case. Computer Hope does not help bypass security measures or any blocked access.

Can't I make money from hacking?

Some hackers have been able to scam people and companies out of money. However, when caught (and you will eventually get caught), you'll end up owing more than you'll ever make. You'd be a lot more successful and earn a lot more money in learning computer skills, such as computer programming, web development, or becoming a white hat than you would with hacking.
